Cludo Assistant

Interact swiftly with visitors through the Cludo Search Assistant

The Assistant can help to put more attention to your services and point your visitors in the right direction.

Learn more

How does the Assistant work?

The Assistant is an actionable search overlay that will appear on sites of your choosing.

Fully customizable, the Assistant is engaged by your visitors interacting with an action button on your site, externally or internally.

The Assistant in action.

Use the Assistant to:

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Display a search option that is always accessible, keeping visitors engaged with your site longer.

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Tailor common search terms to every visitor query (How do I.. / Where do I.. / Where can I find...).

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Increase relevance

Display relevant content or links to the most important areas on your site to increase lead generation and decrease expensive visitor requests.

Explore the Experience Builder

Customize your Assistant in minutes with the Experience Builder

The Experience Builder allows users of any skill level to easily customize and manage their site's search and discovery functions, enabling quick modifications without extensive technical support.

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Contact us for more information

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