Ask questions and receive answers formed using your own search content

Answering your burning questions

Sometimes a conversation is the best way to share information. The Q&A APIs offer a way to ask questions and receive answers in a concise, conversational format. Powered by ChatGPT, answers are formed using content directly from your search index ensuring that they are high-quality and relevant to your organization.

  Authenticating API requests

Before you begin, we suggest you check out the documentation on authentication. Your unique authentication can be used in the Postman and documentation examples linked below.



Answers API

Send questions to the the Answers API and receive answers with information directly from your search index.

Note: If you are implementing QA on top of a regular search result page we recommend you use the property "GenerativeAnswerAvailable": false/true in  API Reference for Cludo Search to determine if you should shown the QA or not. This way you will utilize logic we provide where we analyse the query and provide true if we believe that it’s likely that we can provide a good generative answer.

API documentationPostman collection


Answer Feedback API

Continually improve the quality of your answers by providing user feedback after an answer is received.

API documentationPostman collection


Answer Click API

Track when an AI Chat conversation leads to a click and visualize your users' chat journey in the MyCludo app.

API documentationPostman collection



Ready to begin your Cludo story?