Meet AI Summary

Enhance your search with human-like responses

Give your visitors more than just search results—offer them answers. Cludo’s AI Summary feature brings a personalized, intuitive touch to your site search by delivering concise, human-like responses alongside traditional results. Say goodbye to endless scrolling and help users find exactly what they need, faster.

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Instant, accurate answers

How does AI Summary Search work?

When a visitor enters a query, AI Summary instantly checks the top three search results that are the most relevant to the query. It then pulls key information from these results and creates a short, accurate summary. This summary appears right at the top of the search results, so users can find answers quickly without scrolling or searching further.

AI Summary uses advanced technology called Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) with the latest ChatGPT models from OpenAI. This combination helps ensure that the answers are accurate, reliable, and based on real data from your site. 

Why AI Summary?

The value of AI Summary search.

With Cludo’s AI Summary feature, you’ll elevate your site search experience by offering concise, human-like answers alongside traditional search results. This helps site visitors quickly find the most relevant information without digging through multiple pages.

By answering complex queries more efficiently, AI Summary improves user satisfaction, increasing conversions and retention. It’s a smarter, more personalized search journey, designed to meet the evolving needs of today’s digital audience.

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Use AI Summary to:

Enhance engagement

Adapt to evolving search behaviors while crafting a user-friendly experience with a versatile solution.

Increase effectiveness

Eliminate friction points in your visitors' search and discovery journey with a seamless experience.

Improve relevance

Present relevant content while delivering contextual information through a human-like response.

Try AI Summary today!
