Higher education site search

Site search built to serve your institution's many audiences

Cludo is trusted by universities and colleges worldwide to serve the search and educational content needs of their students, faculty, parents and alumni.

Your website is one of the primary ways to interact with all of the audiences your school serves. From the extensive class catalog to news and events, our personalized search showcases your most relevant content, helping display all your institution has to offer.

Powering search for these institutions

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  • Augusta-University-Logo


  • Boise-State-University-Logo


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  • depaul-university-logo-6A0AA44772-seeklogo.com


  • Scr3_ol


  • helsinki-uni


  • university-of-denver-du-logo-main


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Education site search

Radically improve website performance with intelligent search

74% of higher education institutions report website search as a top five website management pain point, citing old or irrelevant results as an issue. Our customizable search saves you time and effort in aiding and attracting more students, giving you an edge over competing institutions.


Meet every visitors' needs

Increase engagement while saving resources


Cludo isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” solution. We work with you to determine the best search for your institution’s size and requirements, then customize the solution to provide an optimal user experience.

Control your results

Boost the most current course listings and campus information while deprioritizing outdated content from past terms. Our advanced filters enable visitors to search based on start/end dates, availability and location.

Enhance efficiency

Save your staff time and reduce phone calls by guiding visitors to the exact information they are looking for. Get analytics reports right to your inbox when you want them, so with minimal effort you’re always in the know.

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Search across all sites

Need information from multiple domains to appear in one convenient search? No problem! Our platform can search across multiple websites to combine all of your existing files and content under one search index.

Boise mockup
Customer Story

How Boise State University Supports the Student Journey Through Intelligent Search

Read the story

The Ultimate Site Search Redesign Checklist

Search is an essential component of your website that should never be overlooked. Have a feeling your search is due to be revamped? Look no further than our Ultimate Site Search Redesign Checklist! 

Get the checklist
Search for all

Search built with full accessibility and compliance in mind

WCAG 2.1 & Section 508 compliance

It’s important that all users have equal access to information & functionality. Our search templates are ADA, Section 508 & WCAG (Web Content Association Guidelines) 2.1 compliant with assistive tools for people with disabilities, including text highlights, reading tools, and more, based on the design of your website.

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Accessibility testing included

If you decide to use our professional services to build a custom search function for your website, you can rest easy knowing that we have accessibility testing included in the implementation.

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Compliant search result templates

We've ensured that our overlay and inline templates are created to be compliant with the WCAG 2.0 and US Section 508 guidelines, and designed to remove barriers that would otherwise prevent people with a variety of disabilities from using your search.

Our trusted partners

  • cascade-cms-logo-vector


  • terminalfour


  • wordpress logo


  • hannon-hill-logo-color


  • Drupal


  • OHO Logo_gray text@2x


  • simpsonscarboroguh


  • monsido-horizontal-dark


  • mightycitizen


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The power of search

See Cludo in action

Ensure everyone’s needs are met by optimizing your site search. 

As an education institute, many people depend on accurate and timely information. And now more than ever, it's crucial your visitors can find what they need on your site.