
3 Ways to Optimize Your Search Experience

Written by Cludo | Dec 21, 2021

As we reflect on the end of one year and the start of a next, you may hear people discussing resolutions to become better, more effective versions of themselves. This could include new habits, such as setting a timer on the coffee pot the night before an early morning, to incorporating full body workouts to maximize their gym time.

The reasons we look to improve our personal lives are the same reasons we look to improve our professional worlds – to optimize our time and be as effective as possible.

There is a need to optimize employee time to improve the work experience, meet increasing consumer demands, scale marketing content, and drive business growth. You may already be deploying optimization initiatives to streamline reports or automate emails with various technologies. Optimization initiatives like these are also imperative for a business’ digital presence on their website, app, search, marketing, and content.

It's not enough to have the right content on your site, but how long it takes your site users to find it, and how your team uses site analytics to optimize their job functions. End users today expect relevant content in the fewest number of clicks, which is why over 40% of site users head directly to the search bar. And if they can’t find relevant information within your search results, 80% of those users will leave your site.

Below are three recommendations for marketing and web teams to optimize their processes and technologies to deliver the most relevant content to their end users in 2022:

1. Deliver the right content at the right time 

As mentioned earlier, users not only want but expect the right information from your site instantly. Your tech solutions should have features that allow you to customize this content to better guide the user journey. Site search users are often in the consideration stage, so delivering engaging content is critical.

To increase relevance and conversions, Cludo customers leverage Banners to highlight key information that is influenced by set search terms. Banner Activity then delivers a real-time, holistic view of your end user behavior and how to best optimize your messaging. We have found this especially useful for our clients in industries such as healthcare where an abundance of content exists but end users do not want to sift through long lists of search results.

2. Implement an AI strategy

AI already plays a significant role in improving the user experience and overall business growth. Forbes predicts a continued focus on AI and automation for the upcoming year as businesses continue to address gaps better and faster.

Your search solution should be no different – implement technology that automates processes, while improving your relevance. Cludo is built on AI and machine learning, and automatically monitors and analyzes patterns to refine results with each search. The more clicks on a search result, the higher the ranking, meaning your relevancy will continually improve and optimize over time. Automated, intelligent search empowers your employees to focus on higher priority items while being able to manually adjust when necessary.

3. Focus on tech that drives customer centricity and insights

Customer expectations have been steadily rising and the need to meet these demands on a digital landscape are only growing stronger. Forrester declares that marketers need to look for tech solutions that keep your customers at the forefront while providing internal insights and a clear return on investment.

Without spending significant time and money to optimize your search, Cludo’s Instant Suggestions feature allows you to meet your search users with popular or relevant terms that positively guide the customer journey and ensure a successful search experience. Using tools that optimize and deliver relevant but tailored results, will shorten the time it takes users to get results and ultimately increase engagement with your site and your content.

As our world evolves, so will the needs of our customers and our teams. Optimized search empowers your teams to ‘work smarter, not harder,’ with automated processes built on AI and actionable analytics to deliver the experience your search users expect. There’s no better time than now to implement intelligent search.

Ready to optimize your search for the user experience? Request a demo to get started.