
New Feature: Private Data Masking

Introducing Private Data Masking! The feature masks any private data from MyCludo analytics that users may accidentally enter in your search.

Cludo has launched a new product feature, Private Data Masking!

We are excited to announce the launch of our latest feature, Private Data Masking. The feature was developed to hide any private data from your MyCludo analytics that your users may accidentally enter in the search function on your site. 

What is Private Data Masking?

Private Data Masking is our latest development in enhancing security within MyCludo. This new feature masks search queries containing your site users’ private information.

Private Data Masking is especially useful for financial institutions, educational institutions and the public sector.

How does it work?


When a user enters private data into your search bar, our intelligent search solution can detect patterns that are associated with this private data and mask it within your search analytics. Please note, we offer a number of preset patterns for masking, but we are happy to work with you on a custom pattern by request.

For instance, if a user enters their social security number in the search bar as 123-45-6789, with this feature the result would appear in your MyCludo analytics as xxx-xx-xxxx

To learn more about Private Data Masking, read our frequently asked questions below!


  • What private data patterns does the feature mask?

    The feature currently masks: Credit card numbers, U.S. Social Security Numbers, Danish Social Security Numbers and Danish phone numbers

  • Does the feature mask all private data queries (past and present)?
    No, it will only mask any new queries that occur after the setting is turned on.

  • What if I'm not seeing a data pattern I want masked?
    If there is a data pattern you would like to see added, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or

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